The asylum application
First of all, you have to go to a reception facility (Erstaufnahme-Stelle, EA). Ask an advice office where the nearest EA ist. In the EA, you will make an asylum claim (Asyl-Gesuch). Later, you can make a formal application for asylum (Asyl-Antrag). Sometimes, this happens quickly, in other cases, it takes a long time.
The asylum application has to be made at the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF). If you are living in a reception facility, you will be given the appointment for your asylum application in a letter, or a list of the appointments will be displayed in the reception facility. Ask the advisers in the reception facility. If you are living in a communal residence (Gemeinschafts-Unterkunft, GU),you will receive a letter telling you when your appointment for your asylum application is. You have to go to this appointment. If you cannot go to the appointment (for example because you are ill), talk to an advice office.
When you make your asylum application, you have to give your personal data. Personal data means information about yourself. For example, your name, date of birth and nationality. The BAMF also carries out a travel route interview.
When you have made an asylum application, you are given a Aufenthaltsgestattung (preliminary residency permit).