Working and job training with an Aufenthaltsgestattung
Often you are not allowed to work. If you are living in a reception facility (Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung, EA), you are allowed to work until at least ten months after arriving.
If you are from a „safe country of origin“ and arrived in Germany after August 31st 2015, you are never allowed to work. You can do school-based job training.
All other people can possibly get permission to work from the Ausländerbehörde. It depends on how long you have been in Germany. You can go to an advice officee. They can help you look for work.
You live in an EA and have had an Aufenthaltsgestattung for nine months or less
You are not allowed to work in the first nine months after getting an „Aufenthaltsgestattung“. There is nothing you can do about this. Your ID document says „Erwerbstätigkeit nicht gestattet“ - „Employment not permitted“.
You live in an EA and have had an Aufenthaltsgestattung for ten months or more
You are not allowed to work without permission. But in most cases you have the right to a work permit for a specific job.
Job training
You can do school-based job training. You can also do workplace-based job training. If you want to do workplace-based job training, you have to apply for permission from the immigration authority (Ausländerbehörde). Sometimes, job training helps you to get a right to stay. This is known as an Ausbildungs-Duldung. Ask an advice office.
You have to make an application, together with your employer. This application is called a Stellenbeschreibung. You have to send the application to the immigration authority.
The immigration authority sends the application to the Employment Agency.
The Employment Agency checks the working conditions. For example, equal pay and equal working hours to others working in the company. There is currently no Vorrangprüfung in Germany.
Your ID document says „Beschäftigung mit Genehmigung der Ausländerbehörde gestattet“ - „Employment permitted, with permission of the immigration authority“. If your ID document does not say „Beschäftigung mit Genehmigung der Ausländerbehörde gestattet“, ask an advice officee.
You can get information from the Employment Agency or from an advice office.
You have been in Germany more than 48 months
If you are in Germany for longer than 48 months the Ausländerbehörde can write in your ID document : „Beschäftigung gestattet“. Then the Agentur für Arbeit does not check your working conditions any longer.
If you want to work you still have to ask the Ausländerbehörde for permission. If you have an „Aufenthaltsgestattung“ or „Duldung“ you are not allowed to be self-employed.