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Entering and arriving in Germany

Welcome to Germany!
You had to flee from your home country. You probably had a long and difficult journey.
You are in Baden-Württemberg. Baden-Württemberg is a state in Germany. Germany has 16 states. 11 million people live in Baden-Württemberg. Baden-Württemberg is in the south-west of Germany.
In Germany, you have to make an Asyl-Gesuch (asylum claim ) and an Asyl-Antrag (asylum application). Afterwards, you will have to explain the reasons why you left your home country. This is known as the Anhörung (hearing). Many people refer to the hearing as the interview.
After the interview, the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) will decide whether or not you can stay in Germany. The BAMF also decides, with which Status you will be allowed to stay in Germany. It may take only or short time, or it may take a long time before you have your interview.
Many things in Germany are complicated and difficult for you. In this chapter and in chapter 2, you will find more about what happens during the asylum process in Germany.

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Entering Germany

After entering Germany, you have to make an asylum claim (Asyl-Gesuch) and an asylum application (Asyl-Antrag). If you do not do this, then you are in Germany illegally. This is a criminal offence.
In order to make an asylum claim and an asylum application, you have to go to a reception centre (Erstaufnahme-Stelle, EA). If you are stopped by the police before you reach the reception centre, say that you want to claim asylum.
You can be punished for entering the country illegally. If you get a letter threatening you with punishment for illegal entry, go to an advice office.

The reception facility (EA) and further accomodation

First, you have to go to a reception facility (Erstaufnahme, EA) EA. Ask an advice office, where the nearest EA is. In the EA, you make your asylum claim. In the beginning, you have to live in the EA. Afterwards, you may be allowed to move. More information can be found in the chapter on Accomodation and housing.
If you are living in the EA, you are not allowed to leave the district (Landkreis). This is known as Residenz-Pflicht. For further information about the Residenz-Pflicht in your EA ask an advice office. In Accomodation and housing you can find more information about the reception facility.

Registering as an asylum seeker

If you want to claim asylum, you will first be given a „Bescheinigung über die Meldung als Asylsuchende/r (BÜMA)“ (certificate of registration as an asylum seeker) or an „Ankunftsnachweis“ (proof of arrival). You are then in Germany legally. The authorities will take your fingerprints, take a photograph of you and ask you for your personal details. The authorities will also ask you for your identification documents and may search you. If you have a mobile phone, the authorities may take it from you. They will return your phone at a later time. They are looking for proof of which country you are from. If you have an identification document, you have to hand it over.
Sometimes the authorities lose the identification documents. Make a copy of your identification document and say that you want a receipt. You have the right to be given a receipt.
Later, you can make an Asyl-Antrag (asylum application). This can happen after a short time, or after a long time. Then you will be given a new identification document. In the chapter about The asylum process you can find more information about the asylum process.

More information

You can find more information on the website www.w2eu.info. Here you will find information in Arabic, Farsi, French and English.