Different kinds of recognition
In Germany, there are four different kinds of recognition. The positive decision notice will say which kind has been given to you.
Granting of asylum and refugee status
If you are granted asylum or refugee status, you will be given a residency permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) and a blue refugee passport. The residency permit is valid for three years. After that, the BAMF checks whether the conditions which led to the residency permit being granted are still fullfilled. Under certain conditions, you can get a permanent residency (Niederlassungs-Erlaubnis) after five years. However, you can only do this if you are working, have your own appartment and speak german. If you were granted refugee status, then you can get a Niederlassungs-Erlaubnis after three years, under certain conditions. These conditions include speaking very good german and earning enough money to not be entitled to any Sozial-Leistungen. Speak to an migration advice office When you have the positive decision notice, you can apply for family reunion. You have to make the application for family reunion within three months! Talk to a migration advice office.
Until you earn your own money, you will get money from the Job Center. As soon as you have your positive decision notice, you have to go to the JobCenter and apply for Sozialleistungen. You can / must take an Integrationskurs.
If you have problems, ask a migration advice office.
International subsidiary protection
If you have been given international subsidiary protection, you will be given a residency permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) for one year. After that, the Aufenthaltserlaubnis can be extended for two years. You do not get a blue refugee's passport. A family reunion is possible, but very difficult. Speak to an migration advice office if you have subsidiary protection and want to bring your family to Germany.
Until you earn your own money, you will get money from the JobCenter. As soon as you have your positive decision notice, you have to go to the JobCenter and apply for social benefits. You can / must take an integration course. You cannot simply go and live somewhere else. If you want to move somewhere else, go to a migration advice office.
National ban on deportation
If a national ban on deportation has been pronounced, you will be given a residency permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) for one year. After this, the Aufenthaltserlaubnis can be extended. You do not get a blue refugee's passport.
If you want to bring your family to Germany, you have to fulfill many conditions. Go to a migration advice officee.
Until you earn your own money, you will get money from the JobCenter. As soon as you have your positive decision notice, you have to go to the JobCenter and apply for social benefits. You can take an integration course. You cannot simply go and live somewhere else. If you want to move somewhere else, go to a migration advice office.